Friday 7 December 2012

Forgotten Treasures

I still haven't got a full post ready but I did invest in an app designed to stop the rage when I try to use my ipad to write my blog. I needed to give it a try and found an excuse tonight when looking through some of my old discworld stuff, trying to answer a question for someone. I located one of the desk calendars that I mentioned in my last entry but never got round to finding. This one is the 1999 one. As I recall, the 1998 one has the witches on the front. I opened it up to take a photo of it for this blog and found that I had somehow acquired a signed one!! It's signed to Peter. I don't know who Peter is but I'm sure I still paid less than a tenner for his calendar!!

I also found lots of other little treats including an uncorrected proof of The Science of Discworld, the first four compact Discworld books, 2 little tot glasses (that I genuinely forgot I had, to the point that when I saw some on ebay a couple of weeks ago, I was sorely tempted!!!) and a load of stuff from the Jamboree Bernard organised in 2007 (which brought back so many happy memories!!)

Lovely detailed little tot glasses. I actually remember buying them very cheaply and stashing them away. Must pay attention!!

Jamboree pin badge, as per usual it is still stapled into the little plastic bag :-)


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